Phoenix Intellectual Property Lawyer
A Phoenix intellectual property attorney who is committed to protecting the rights of clients
You may have a business name or slogan that adds tremendous value to your company. It’s important to you that consumers or other businesses know your company’s name or its catchphrase. What would you do if some other individual or business started using a name or slogan similar to yours? What would you do if a competitor used and profited off of one of your company’s original inventions? In such cases, you can fight back with the help of a Phoenix intellectual property lawyer. At Israel & Gerity, PLLC, we fight hard to protect a company’s trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights and other intellectual property. We know how critical intellectual property can be for a business in terms of profitability, sustainability and growth.
Businesses in Arizona can rely on the experienced and aggressive representation provided by our firm, whether you need help with trademark registration or you need assistance resolving a dispute over trademarks, copyrights, patents or trade secrets. We can help you if someone is alleging copyright infringement against you. Attorney Michael Gerity is a skilled negotiator and litigator who is admitted to practice law before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Pursuing practical solutions for your complex business needs
Your intellectual property provides significant value and equity to your business. It can be devastating to your company if someone else is using your original work, passing along trade secrets or “inside” information or if you are facing an accusation of copyright infringement. Let us step in and help you get the desired result. We are skilled at finding practical solutions, but are prepared to litigate if necessary to protect your rights.
Our work for clients who need assistance protecting trade secrets and other intellectual property typically can include the drafting and implementation of legally sound partnership agreements, covenants not to compete and nondisclosure agreements (NDAs). We also guide clients in the development of internal educational materials and programs for employees to make the employees aware of their legal obligations related to trade secrets and the company’s other intellectual property.
A serious dispute over intellectual property demands the experience and resources of a tough-minded Phoenix intellectual property attorney. Find out how Israel & Gerity, PLLC, can help you. Call us today at (602) 274-4400 or complete the online contact form to discuss your legal needs.